Friday, March 7, 2008

Baby Picture Challenge

My challenge chosen this week by Marie Patterson was to share a baby photo. Janell Berryman also, shared! What a fun weekly challenge. Thanx gurls!

So, here it is my baby picture. I was in my Gram's arms in this picture and was just under a year old in 1972. When my Gram passed away (one year ago March 22nd-ugh) I found this photo in her wallet laminated. She carried it with her everyday since the day she had the photo developed! I didn't know this until I moved in with her to care for her during her last weeks of life. What a wonderfully loving thing, Thanks Gram-you are the best. xoxo

~Finally here is a picture of Gram (Florence) & Baby Mom (Jill) in 1946~


Janell Berryman Pumpkinseeds folk art said...

CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But what is this? 1972 you here 1? You youngster you!!!!!!!!!

~dani~ said...

Oh, yeah..I am feeling younger and younger as 36 pulls closer around the corner! After 35 you are no longer young or cute. Maybe mature and pretty but that is as good as it gets! Hey..yes, how old are you, again!!?? he he he~

noodle and lou said...

Both pictures are just adorable!!!
Thanks so much for sharing!! xoxo...jenn

Marie Patterson Studio said...

GREAT pictures!!!! And what a cutie!!!! Thanks for sharing. From my side of the "mature" table, there may be more lines in our faces but we are all young and least in my mind...age is just a number.
Be a warrior queen! :)!!

Tracy Nuskey Dodson said...

Hey Dani,
Your pictures are adorable! Stop over for a little gift:)

dollface design said...

dani, these pictures are amazing! and your gram is gorgeous! so glamorous in the first pic with her fantastic sunglassess and so sweet and pretty in the second pic in her pretty white dress and sandals! and what a sweet story too, i'm so happy you found that photo ♥

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