So this month's giveaway will be all about ACEO's! I am giving away 3 cards shown below, plus 1 surprise card! Woo hoo~fun~!! To enter please comment on any post telling me how you many art cards you think you have collected and how you store them.
I would guess I have about 70 and I kept them in a album until I filled it. Now I am storing them in a metal lunch box.
The Unfinished Dream"
"You Are A Star"
"Loves Bouquet"
Winner Announced Monday, May the 26th!
4 days ago
Hi Dani! I don't know how many I have...but I've made a ton;) I keep mine in a box...and they are so fun to look through. Kind of like old family photos:) Love all your ACEO's!!
Congrats on G&G!!!! Such a great site and they are lucky to have you with them:) Wishing you tons of success there!! xoxo...jenn
Hi, Dani!
I wanted to thank you for leaving such a nice comment on my blog and appologize for being such a clod and not thanking you sooner! I seriously need to get my blog updated and spruced up. You have such great pictures and news and events featured, I feel like such a novice (which, I s'pose is fitting!). Love your blog, your creativity and your thoughtfullness. Thank you so much! ~ Thomas/FolkartAZ
(PS- to be on topic... I haven't any ACEOs, but perhaps I should start sketching out a few, hmm...and wishing you the best on G&G, I love that site!!)
LOL, I like that you put jafa and the explanation on your blog roll (thanks for adding me). Sometimes when I feel I am going nowhere with my art (which seems to be a lot), jafa is how I FEEL. Like so many others though I just blither along doing my best.
What a lovely blog you have, and the work is so much fun to explore.
The are beautiful!
Nice job! Love them! ;)
Well, I probably have 8 cards, but I've made more than I have. I store them in a vintage lunch box tin... So much fun in little pieces of art, don't ya agree?! I'm excited about Halloween all of a sudden, and summer isn't even here yet! LOL ;)
Thanks, sweetie!
Hi Dani.
Your cards are wonderful. I only have a few but keep in protective covers in a vintage basket so I can enjoy them often. I love the mini art pieces! Would love to have my name entered in your give away! Hugs, Sharon
They are very beautiful! I don't have any ACEO's but I want to start making some and getting some. You have a beautiful blog here. I notice you have my blog on your blog roll, Thank you.
I want to add you to mine.
Adry :) xoxo
Bonjour Dani! Just discovered your blog through Danita's. Your art is BEAUTIFUL, particularly your angels! I will be coming back regularly, please come and visit me when you have a minute! Have a great weekend! LuLu
I don't have too large a collection but they are on an ispiration board in my stuido/craft room. I love looking at them there!
Dani ~ I have collected about 60 ACEO's from other artists & I store mine in baseball card (3-ring binder) sleeves.
Pick Me ~ Pick Me!!! LOL '-)
I have a small growing collection that I still need to put in an album. I didn't think I was a collector until I sat one day and opened up my special stash box and saw more than I thought I had. Guess that makes me an official collector! Just so many wonderful artists out there that its hard to not buy. Temptation is everywhere!
Thanx everyone~ Much good luck that you win!!!
Ohhh, perhaps I'm not too late??? If I'm too late, sorry! Otherwise hope I can be entered!!!
Everyday Cookies
Hi Dani!
I probably have about 50 or so, some I've put in an albumn and a few are still lagging behind in a shoebox that I redecorated as a craft box. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway ... your cards are sooo pretty!
Best wishes! Peggi
Hi Dani!
Guess what, I finally have a blog and I just discovered yours. Awesome blog and an awsome giveaway. Unfortunately, since I just started, I only have one card. It's a great card though, being yours.
now that i think of it, that didnt sound right. lol. what i meant to say was, "being yours, it's a great card"
only having discovered them just recently, I only have a handful...less than 10, and they are kept in archival sleeves of a bound miniature portfolio type of book! LOVE yours!!
(and I'm aware the drawing is over!)
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